How are you, I hope you are in good and healthy condition, so this time I will discuss what a explanation text is, types of explanation text, structure of explanation text, characteristic of explanation text and examples of explanation text.

Definition of Explanation Text
Explanation text is a text to provide a clear explanation. Usually, explanation texts contain explanations about social, natural, or cultural phenomena. The purpose of writing this text is to tell the reader about how something works or why something happens.

Type of Explanation Text
There are two types of writing explanation text.
1. Text that explains why something happened
Example: “Why does the glass fog up when we take a shower.”
2. Text that explains how something happened
Example: “How can landslides occur.”

Structure of Explanation Text

1. Titles
Every article must have a title and the type of explanation text is no exception. For titles with this type of text, you don't need to beat around the bush. You only need to provide a title that matches the content of the article, such as “What causes a Tsunami?”, “Why are our rain forests disappearing?” or “The process of making aluminum”.
2. Opening Statement
The purpose of writing with the type of explanation text, of course, is to provide valid information and facts for the readers. Therefore, you really need to include a strong opening statement in writing and if you can, you must include evidence such as journals or articles that have been verified. In the opening statement, you can also write down the identification of the process to be explained.
3. Sequencing
In creating an article, write it in the form of short paragraphs and divide it into several parts. Do not let the reader dizzy to read paragraphs that are too long.
4. Conclusion
If everything has been discussed, don't forget to write a conclusion or conclusion from the information you provide. This way your writing will be considered more valid. 
5. Visuals
In explaining a process, usually you will need visuals such as pictures, photos, diagrams, and so on to clarify the content of the writing. You can also insert videos to make your writing more informative.

#Characteristic of Explanation Text 
1. Because this type of writing discusses facts, the tense used is the simple present tense.
2. The use of action verbs which are verbs used to describe the action that is taking place.
For example: do, make, create, and so on.
3. Writing in this type of text uses passive voice which aims to emphasize the focus on the happenings rather than the subject.
4. Using noun phrases.
5. Using technical terms. Technical Terms are technical terms that are in accordance with the contents of the articles discussed.
6. Using chronological conjunctions such as “next”, “first”, “then”, “to begin with”, and others.

Example of Explanation Text Chapter 8 Part 2


Earthquake is the emergence of a shock which is usually caused by a movement, which comes from the rock layers of the earth. The shaking is caused by vibrations from the bottom of the earth. These vibrations are present in certain areas which then cause the emergence of shocks. These areas are active mountain areas or along a fairly large ocean.

Earthquakes are also caused by the emergence of a movement or a very strong shift in the ground layer of the earth. So there was an earthquake. Earthquakes that occur very quickly, so the effect is very felt and visible in the surrounding environment. Even the vibrations can reach in all directions so as to make a building flat. Not infrequently these incidents also cause fatalities. The causes of these earthquakes are divided into two types, namely volcanic earthquakes and tectonic earthquakes.

Volcanic earthquake is a type of earthquake caused by the eruption of a volcano with the largest scale. This volcanic earthquake is relatively rare, when compared to tectonic earthquake events. 

When viewed from the theory of plate tectonics, that there are indeed several artificial layers found on the earth's surface. The area that contains this layer of the earth's crust will float or even float in a certain layer. Like how it snows. That is the cause of the earthquake.

These earthquakes can happen anytime and anywhere. Especially in certain areas, for example on the Pacific plate border. Why did that happen? Because most of the area is surrounded by volcanoes. That is why the area is called the circle of fire.

Example of Explanation Text Chapter 8 Part 3

                       How rain is formed

Rain has both good and bad effect. Rain clears the air from pollution, it can also keep the plants green. However, too much rain can cause natural disaster such as floods and landslides.

Do you know how rain is formed?

There are many water source such as oceans, lakes, rivers, etc. When the sun shines, the hot temperature will make the water evaporate. This “vapor” then rises because the air (gas) flows from the high pressure to the low pressure places. When the vapor is in the sky, it cools and changes form as water. This condensed vapor will grow bigger into clouds. The clouds are carried by the air. When the clouds becomes too heavy, the gravity will pull it down slowly. The water drops fall down and it becomes rain.

Thus the discussion of the material on this occasion regarding the discussion of explanation text is, types of explanation text, structure of explanation text, characteristic of explanation text and examples of explanation text, see you again on the next blog, if there are words that are wrong and not pleasing enough, please forgive and always take care of your health, I end, Thank you all.



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